BSG Solicitors proud sponsors of the ‘Knocker Jotter’

A few months ago Andrea Partridge, CancerCare’s Volunteer and Engagement Co-ordinator, and Sarah Drake, a volunteer at the charity, met a lady who was about to undergo surgery as part of her treatment for breast cancer. She was terrified at the prospect – scarring, types of reconstruction, losing her femininity …all things that hundreds of women with a cancer diagnosis face every day.  Andrea and Sarah have both been through the same illness. They took time to talk to her, even showing her their scars, and this reassurance and support was enough to help her make decisions about her own treatment choices. Being able to help one lady in this way gave Andrea and Sarah an idea… and the Knocker Jotter was born.

Everyone in the ‘Knocker Jotter’ is a member of Phoenix (an online support group supported by CancerCare) and has been, or is, going through the harrowing journey of cancer, the diagnosis, the treatment, the side effects and living with them all.

The project has recently been covered on regional news programmes

Rebecca Lauder, Partner at BSG Solicitors commented:

“BSG Solicitors have always been a keen supporter of CancerCare and the hard work they do across the North West supporting anyone going through a cancer diagnosis, treatment and beyond. Several people within the practice have been affected by cancer, either directly or indirectly, making it a very personal cause for our practice.

When CancerCare approached us with The Scarletts we were bowled over by their bravery and courage. Sponsoring The Scarletts in their project seemed to us to be the very least we could do. If the Knocker Jotter empowers just one person with the physical and mental scars of cancer treatment and helps them to take back ownership of their body, or encourages them to seek an early diagnosis then a battle has been won and in turn we hope that each of these smaller battles eventually means that we win the greater one.”

The Jotter is now available to purchase for £10.00 from CancerCare by dropping in to Slynedales or call 01524 381820, email or visit